
Safety and Health Plans for Cannabis Facilities

Safety and Health Plans for Cannabis Facilities Each company should have a Safety and Health Program, with employee training procedures, hazard identification and assessment, and safety and health plans/programs. This is sometimes referred to as the company’s...


What Safety Training Do Cannabis Workers Need?

What safety training do cannabis workers need? All employees who work in an area that has recently applied pesticides need to have Worker Protection Standards (WPS) training. Pesticide Handlers are defined as those who mix, load, or apply agricultural pesticides;...

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NCRMA Wins Penn State’s The Learning Factory Lockheed Martin Best Project Award for Ergonomic Analysis of Workers During Cannabis Cultivation Activities to Reduce Musculoskeletal Injury

Seeking to design a safer work environment for the cannabis cultivation process, the National Cannabis Risk Management Association (NCRMA) has partnered with Atlas Performance Group to help reduce repetitive motion injuries and related risk factors. This...